FAST Detection along Property Borders and High Risk Rights-of-Way

FIREBird is the first wildfire detection system intended specifically for use along property boundaries where wildfires threaten homes, commercial buildings, and property.  FIREBird is also ideal for placement along rights-of-way where the chance of fire ignition is high, such as power lines and roadways. The unique risks associated with these locations call for defensive fire detection methods that can sense fires almost immediately after ignition regardless of the time of day.

The FIREBird system detects wildfires while they are small, and rapidly notifies first responders; typically, within 2 minutes.

  • Increase public safety.
  • Provide earlier warning.
  • Decrease property damage.
  • Provide more time for fire response or evacuation.
  • Report fires while smaller and easier to contain.
  • Increase fire fighter safety especially with wind driven events.

See how a community can benefit from the FIREBird system.

FIREBird protects a 60-acre area


Wildfire detection as far as 900 feet

The FIREBird system is capable of detecting wildfires as small as 5 feet by 5 feet as far away as 900 feet. Achieving a continuous wildfire detection zone is easy with regular placement of FIREBird devices.

The FIREBird system provides fast notification after detecting a wildfire, helping to ensure firefighting resources arrive to the smallest possible fire. This is crucial during high wind events when response time is most critical.

“The FireBIRD system has the potential to save significant costs and resources. Early detection allows local jurisdictions to effectively respond to wildfires at its earliest stage with a goal to minimize fire spread thereby decreasing overall number of resources committed to the incident.

– Mike McCliman, City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Fire Chief (1)


Optimized to detect small, nearby fires

Many wildfire detection systems and programs watch for wildfires at a distance. Detection occurs only once the fire becomes large enough to sense.

High fire severity areas require an additional layer of detection. FIREBird devices offer the ability for a focused, local approach to wildfire detection. The result is detection of fires when they are smaller and easier to contain with fewer resources, resulting in less financial devastation.

The FIREBird system can be used as a stand-alone solution or can be used to complement other wildfire detection systems.

Small wildfires are detected quickly by the FIREBird system
FIREBird offers continuous 36-degree detection


A complete solution

Each FIREBird device provides:

  • Continuous, 360-degree, monitoring provided by 14 wildfire-specific thermal detectors and optical cameras
  • 2-minute detection-to-reporting time (typical)
  • Measurement of fire-critical weather data including windspeed, wind direction, temperature and humidity
  • Right-of-way condition monitoring
  • Self-contained cellular communications
  • Integrated web reporting

Learn More

How can you prevent a fire from becoming massively destructive?

A Wildfire Timeline

Detect fires when they are small

Small fires can be quickly extinguished using fewer fire fighting resources.

When a fire is noticed by people at a distance, it is likely too late.

Fire Timeline Without Early Detection

Based on an actual event, this fire started about 18 minutes before it was reported. At that time, it was one-acre in size.

In the 21 minutes that it took fire fighting resources to arrive, prevailing weather and terrain resulted in a fire that had spread to 100 acres.

Fire Startup Timeline & Initial Spreading

Fire Timeline With Early Detection

Early detection and notification of a small fire shortly after ignition can recover lost time.

Mathematic modeling predicts that fire fighters could have arrived to a more easily contained 2-acre fire with early detection.

Fire Startup Timeline & Initial Spreading

Why FIREBird?

FIREBird continuously monitors the surrounding area, detecting very small fires up to 400 feet away and detecting larger fires out to 900 feet.

The system provides immediate notification by email and text to designated persons or groups.

Real-time photos of detected fires can be viewed from your laptop or mobile device.

Learn more

Fire Startup Timeline & Initial Spreading

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