FIREBird Applications

Homes and Other Private Property

Provide Early Warning and Limit Damage with Focused Fire Detection

Ideally suited for large properties that either adjoin, or incorporate, areas of extensive or undeveloped vegetation, the FIREBird system provides notification of wildfires typically within 2 minutes of ignition.  Home, large estates, and sprawling corporate or resort campuses are often built close to nature for aesthetic appeal placing adjacent land at risk for spreading a fire quickly.

Dark photo of home at night with wildfire behind.
Simple map graphic showing location of 1 FIREBird sensor on a 100-acre property.

Protect You and Your Assets

FIREBird doesn’t look for fires across vast expanses.

Some localities have implemented wide-area wildfire detection monitoring systems using satellites or tower-mounted cameras. While those systems are needed, FIREBird knows a fire near you can be more quickly detected near you; not once you can detect its smoke from miles away.

Each FIREBird device can monitor 60+ acres, providing you the early warning and extra time needed to control fire events both day and night.

The figure shows how one FIREBird device can be used to protect this 100-acre property.

FIREBird offers you flexibility in monitoring the areas that concern you most.


Learn More

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